Restricted Summer Hours.
2188 Princess Highway Rosedale, VIC, Australia 3847
Mon-Wed-Fri 9-5
Tue-Thu 11-5
Sat 10-2
Other times by appointment
Winter trading hours resume when winter hits!
These are full of our finest, driest, densest woods, most often you will find they will be Grey/Red/Yellow Box or Red/White Ironbark, nothing but the best in these, great for drinking beer at or cooking in a slow cooker or pizza oven
Rosedale Firewood
Here at Rosedale Firewood we are a premium Firewood supplier, selling the best wood available in Gippsland, Guaranteed to burn! grown in the deserts of NSW and QLD and brought to gippsland.
Restricted Summer Hours.
Mon-Wed-Fri 9-5
Tue-Thu 11-5
Sat 10-2
Other times by appointment
Winter trading hours resume when winter hits!